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Free stuff, gchat me and meet me in between the arcades

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Firstly, if you are a prospective adv physics student and you don’t want to by the big textbook, you can gchat me and I will send you the pdf version of the textbook. For free!

If yo want anything below, gchat me and come to between the arcades.

The following are the items:

A bunch of clippers with a broken container, but all you want are the clippers, right. We can all use a bit more clippers in our life, and you can get it for free!

All graphic, very entertaining book about Persia or Iran, whatever you want to call it. It also happens to be English 1 or 2 textbook I don’t remember. And you can get it for free!

Citizen, all Matt pages inside, very interesting lay out. Also happened to be English 2 textbook. Annotated, so you don’t have to, for free!

1984, your next favorite book for the summer, so you can get all political and claim you understand the Soviet Union, for free! Because Communism

Adidas in door shoes new used for free. US 8


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